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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

I'm not sure I can put into words what a life adjustment it has been for me to be the mother of boys! Not that I'm the girliest of girls, but I don't recall ever being accused of being a tomboy. I've never been too fond of being dirty, but since I had 2 older brothers, I couldn't be terribly tender and survive. Sure, they were protective of me, but since they were 7 and 11 years old than me, if I wanted to keep up, I had to work for it!

I will never forget the moment when I learned that Lane was a little boy. You could have knocked me over with a feather! It had barely entered my mind that I might have a baby boy. What??? All I knew anything about was girls and girly things. At the time, I had 7 nieces and a step-daughter but only 2 nephews. I knew plenty about pigtails and bows, dance recitals and beauty pageants. It was only natural for me to assume that the girl trend would continue. Instead, I lay on the ultrasound table -- one friend 'taking a peak' and another beside me to share in the excitement. Kenny and I had discussed whether we wanted to know the baby's sex. My husband, a fan of surprises, didn't want to know but I, being the control-freak planner that I am, definitely did. When my friend asked "do you want to know what it is" I was pretty unprepared. I'm sure I stumbled with my speech for a moment, but then asked "are you SURE you know?" Not only did my ultrasound tech friend respond with a resounding yes, but the other one did as well. If you know me, you know I'm pushy and tend to get my way (did I just admit that? I meant persuasive. That's what I meant). A quick call to the hubby at work and I had permission to find out. I held the phone toward my friends and waited to hear the announcement. I was shocked by their excited exclamation. "It's a boy!!" I have no doubt that life would have changed as well had their words been "It's a girl" but the "It's a boy" announcement has totally transformed me.

Who'd think that I'd be blogging and posting pictures of frogs, taking photos of smiling boys with bloody deer and all those great things that mark you for life as a mother of boys? I was a pro at dressing little girls, buying dolls and playing Barbies. Today, I know about Pokemon and Spiderman. I buy camouflage and cleats but now and then, I draw the line. On the way home from Arkadelphia Saturday, we saw an enormous timber rattler (tried to get a pic, sorry) in the highway. Shortly afterward, he asked "Momma, what if I wanted to have a pet snake" to which I responded "Baby, you are welcome to have a pet snake if you like (I'm sure Kenny's eyes widened at this point) but not if you want to live in my house." Oh, no, no, no. I sure love those boys but there's no snake on earth that I could learn to love!

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